Criteria Tab of the Charge Activity Screen

Use the Criteria tab to select the search criteria for the drill-down results and report.

Charge Selection

Field Description
UDT01 and UDT02

If you are linking UDT02s and UDT01s and your functional role allows you to view both UDT02 and UDT01 charges, select the appropriate radio button to view UDT02 or UDT01 charges. UDT02 is selected by default.

If your  functional role allows you to view UDT01 charges only, UDT01 is selected by default.

If you are not linking UDT02s and UDT01s, the radio buttons will not display and UDT01s will display in the Results tabs.


Select the function of the project manager from the drop-down box. The selections available depend on the rights that you have as a project manager in the system and the functions created in the Functional Roles screen and assigned in the UDT01 or UDT02 screens.

The functions are listed in alphabetical order The default is based on the number of functions listed. If you are assigned more than one function in the system, "Select" is the default value and an additional value of "ALL" will be available. If you are assigned only one function, it will be the default value.  

If your security role does not have the Apply Charge Level Security check box selected in the Security Roles screen, this field will be disabled and will display "None."


Use this field to narrow down the number of charges for selection. For example, if you enter "1000" for the Filter, all charges that begin with 1000 will be displayed.

If you are using abbreviations, the filtering will occur on the UDT02 or UDT01 abbreviation ID depending on which one you selected or is defaulted. You can determine abbreviation use in the Entry By Abbreviation group box in the UDT Options tab of the General Configuration screen.

Interim Charges Only

If you only want to display activity for charges that were added "on the fly" during time entry and have not yet been confirmed as true charges, check Interim Charges Only.

Date Range

Select a start and end date range for charge activity.  

Field Description
Start Date

Use the Calendar Lookup to the right of the field to select the start date for the charge activity. The default date that displays is the first day of the month of the current system date.

Start Date is not a required field. However, because of the amount of information displayed in the Charge Activity screen, we suggest that you select a date range to narrow the scope. If you do not make an entry in the Start Date field, the system will attempt to retrieve all selected charge information from the charge's inception.

End Date

Use the Calendar Lookup to the right of the field to select the end date for the charge activity.

Drill Down Options

By selecting levels, you can see an additional breakdown(s) of charge activity information by UDT or employee.  If you do not select levels, you will still see the activity in a summarized manner by charge and in a detailed manner by timesheet cell date.

Field Description
Level 1

Select the UDT value or "Employee" from the drop-down box to display the charge activity information at the selected level. The available options are the UDTs with the Use check box selected in the UDT Options tab of the General Configuration screen.  An additional value, "None," is available and will display as the default. The remaining UDTs display in alphabetical order.

You must select a Level 1 value for the Level 2 field to be enabled.  If you change the Level 1 value to "None" after having selected Level 1 and Level 2 values, the Level 2 field will be changed to "None" and disabled.  

If you change the Level 1 value from one UDT value to another after having selected a Level 2, the Level 2 value will be changed to "None;" this prevents you from selecting the same UDT value for more than one level.

Level 2

Select the UDT value or "Employee" from the drop-down box to display the charge activity information at the selected level. The available options are the UDTs with the Use check box selected in the UDT Options tab of the General Configuration screen. The UDT or "Employee" value selected for Level 1 is not included. An additional value, "None," is available and will display as the default. The remaining UDTs display in alphabetical order.

You must select a Level 2 value in order for the Level 3 field to be enabled.  If you change the Level 2 value to "None" after having selected Level 2 and Level 3 values, the Level 3 field will be changed to "None" and disabled.  

If you change the Level 2 value from one UDT value to another after having selected a Level 3, the Level 3 value will be changed to "None;" this prevents you from selecting the same UDT value for more than one level.

The Level 2 field is available only if you select a Level 1 value.

Level 3

Select the UDT value or "Employee" from the drop-down box to display the charge activity information at the selected level.  The available options are the UDTs with the Use check box selected in the UDT Options tab of the General Configuration screen. The UDT values or "Employee" selected for Level 1 and Level 2 are not included. An additional value, "None," is available and will display as the default. The remaining UDTs display in alphabetical order.

The Level 3 field is available only if you select a Level 2 value.

Additional Detail Columns

Select additional columns to see additional UDT information when the details level is displayed at the cell level.

Field Description
Column 1

Use the drop-down box to select a UDT to display as an additional column on the details level of the Charge Activity screen. The available options are the UDTs with the Use check box selected in the UDT Options tab of the General Configuration screen.  

An additional value, "None," is available. The remaining UDTs display in alphabetical order. The default for this field is "UDT10."

Column 2

Use the drop-down box to select a UDT to display as an additional column on the details level of the Charge Activity screen. The available options are the UDTs with the Use check box selected in the UDT Options tab of the General Configuration screen.  

An additional value, "None," is available. The remaining UDTs display in alphabetical order. The default for this field is "None."

The Column 2 field is available only if you select a Column 1 value.


Click the Execute button to retrieve the charge activity information. The Results tab will then display the charge summary information.  From there, you can drill down into selected levels or, if no levels are selected, you can drill down into the charge detail information.

If there are no charges with activity within the selected date range, the system will display the following message: "No records found."

If you are linking UDT02s and UDT01s and have selected UDT01s to view, only those UDT01s without a UDT02 on the timesheet line displays.